"Paris Peace Confernce," William Orpen, 1919
"Big Three," Hulton Archive, 1919
"We want a peace which will be just, but not vindictive... Above all, we want to protect the future against a repetition of the horrors of this war."
- David Lloyd George, British Prime Minister (1919)
"Fourteen Points? The Good Lord only gave us Ten, and do we abide by those?"
- David Lloyd George, British Prime Minister (1919)
"Portrait of Georges Clemenceau," Bettmann, 1919
"David Lloyd George," BBC Wales History, 1945
"You are not going to get peace with millions of armed men. The chariot of peace cannot advance over a road littered with cannon."
- David Lloyd George, British Prime Minister (1919)
"I am not asking for a soft peace but for a righteous peace."
- Woodrow Wilson, U.S. President (1919)
"Portrait of Woodrow Wilson," Associated Press, circa 1900